| 1. | We will be interested in the heat capacity of interstellar gases . 我们感兴趣的是星际气体的热容量。 |
| 2. | These elements become part of the interstellar gas and dust . 这些元素成了星际气体和星际尘埃的一部分。 |
| 3. | The contraction of a cool interstellar gas cloud can proceed in a variety of ways . 一个冷的星际气体云的收缩,可以通过许多不同的方式来进行。 |
| 4. | Thick clouds of interstellar gas absorb most of the light and screen other stars from us . 恒星间气体所形成的厚云层,吸收大部分的光,并遮住其他星星。 |
| 5. | Our assertion that the interstellar gas is definitely no vacuum would seem all the more paradoxical ! 我们坚持星际气体决非真空的主张看来愈发荒谬可笑了! |
| 6. | The concentrations of interstellar gas can now be mapped with much great accuracy than would ever be possible using visible light . 如今,可以画出比用可见光更精确的星际气体聚集图。 |
| 7. | These tiny regions may be condensations in the interstellar gas where stars and planetary systems could be forming . 这些很小的区域可能是能够形成恒星或行星系统的星际气体中的一些凝聚体。 |
| 8. | Some of these early steps in the development of life may have taken place in interstellar gas clouds before the solar system formed . 生命发展的某些早期过程可能早在太阳系形成以前的星际气体云中就已发生。 |
| 9. | Our assertion that the interstellar gas is definitely no vacuum would seem all the more paradoxical 我们坚持星际气体决非真空的主张看来愈发荒谬可笑了 |
| 10. | Interstellar gas clouds frequently collide and convert their kinetic energy into shock waves and radiation 星际气体云经常在碰撞间将动能传给冲击波和辐射。 |